Oh! De preachuh in de pulpit
talkin bout dat day o Jubelee!
Says wes all gone get crowns
and fin'ly lay our burdens down.
Sech great words he declarin
dat great gettin-up mo'nin when
sweet Jesus come to take us
sudden, like a thief in de night.
Congregation all amen-ing
his baritone boomin bold
how we'll walk streets o gold
and put on fine new robes
Preachuh say the coluh o yo skin
er de size o yo back account
none of dat mattah any'mo
when we get to Jerden's sho
Preachuh say up in hebbin, be only peace
and justus no mo hatrid, no mo hurt
heah midst the halleluias, I be thinking
I could use a little hebbin ri'chere on Earth.