all alone; i am not lonely
i've gotten over missing you
all regret has now abated
and faded from my remember when
no more bee is in the shoe
no longer a dead cat on the line
i came to a warmer place and,
stocked up on feeling better now
it was not hard to start anew
i have done so all my life
all my idle hours i currently spend
building me an i like it like that
the old rings don't fit my finger
the old hat is gone from my head
no longer do i ride in my haunting past
i drive around town in my brighter day ahead
sometimes it seems crazy
all these phases i go through
better to head toward i don't know
that retreat back to i used to do.
Blind Dog Poetry Corner
Sharing fresh, new original poetry in a post-literary world. This is a place to come and watch poets teach the language to dance.
The Poet

Wednesday, August 2, 2023
Sunday, September 25, 2022
Immolation by Ronald S Porter ©2022
Oh, the memory of our fiery passion
and white hot liquid lust,
runs like molten lightning bolts
through flesh, sinew and tendon
feeding flames of fevered desire.
It spurns on return to
hot hedonistic hunger
... to lascivious heated meat.
How my profaned frame is seared
neath the blazing sun of yearning
seeking sensual release from
burning remembrance and recall
of the agonizing ecstatic immolation
of our two bodies locked together
in the sweet torment of love.
I wrote a crappy poem, a few years back, in my exercise book. I didn't even bother to title it because it was (to me) a complete failure. It started out okay but became awful after a few lines. I found that poem last night and decided to try to rewrite it. And that explains the title.
Rewrite Of A Crappy Poem by Ronald S Porter ©2022
I have gathered pain filled metaphors
in this liar's jar (this mind)
and hoarded bleeding similes
in my sin-sick soul
poetic devices , like exotic spices
flavor the taste of my misery
still I can not choke it down
my eyes bleed and i retch
coughing up vile viscous bile
dark desires flow through me
like poison in my veins
i gaze to the sky and wait to die
despair and remorse circle
like raptors, carrion birds wait
to feast on my remains
and i whisper to both heaven and hell
... "See? I told you so."
hollow idols answer "fare thee well"
Untold Story#2 by Ronald S Porter ©2022
Story untold-words unsaid
in heart and head they echo
like a copper penny dropped
into a deep dark dry well
songs unsung whisper through
oceans of soul, deserts in mind
And, I find my face trapped in
shattered mirrors and magic spells
i wish i could write or recite
legends of longing I cannot tell
Unanswered, Unsung by Ronald S Porter ©2022
I've unanswered questions to ask,
As well as unsung songs to sing.
Did I overreach when I tried to fly,
And rise too high on Icarus' wing?
Did I move to fast, or go too slow?
When I sat to play, did my cards show?
Was I a fool, or just lose my cool?
Where in the world did she go?
Someone please tell me, I need to know!
The Struggle Is Real! by Ronald S Porter ©2022
Jesus gave me water, yeah!
Smith's Liquor Store, gave me wine.
I always had a tough way to go
Since I first tried to walk the line
Between profane and divine.
At three, I learned "Yes, Jesus Loves Me".
My spiritual journey had it's start.
The same time Chuck Berry hit the chart
And, told me the story of Maybellene
How to serve the King, yet catch a Queen?
So many times I stood faithful, right at
The church door but turned back,
All because I saw some brown-eyed beauty
Riding by in a coffee colored Cadillac.
Can You hear Me Now? by Ronald S Porter ©2022
Heart of my soul, life of my love:
You walk with me in visions of dreams.
My fondest hope, sincerest desire
You play erotic, exotic, soft songs in me.
You are the shivers that climb my spine.
The soft vice whispering warm words
In my ear as I smile in my slumber
Your touch tattooed heat in my flesh-
You live in my breathe, every sight and sound.
Are you picking up what I'm putting down?
Not what you might think...
Walk with me in early morn...
When the evening sun goes down
Rest your head across my chest.
Been a long time since I wrote a Hobo poem. So here's one.
The Hobo's Answer by Ronald S Porter ©2022
In the evenin', cold and damp
Me and John Jacoby on the tramp
Sheltered in a muscadine grove
Sat staring at the hurricane lamp
Supper was two thin slices of spam
One flat of saltines smeared with jam
One of them little tins of deviled ham
More'n some will eat tonight, got-dam!
"What way you gonna head tomorrow?"
That was John's question to me.
I felt a a wave of sadness and sorrow
My thoughts went back to Tennessee
I wondered if she still dressed all in red
Did she still wear seven braids on her head?
Oh how I loved her but, love is blind
she said she felt imprisoned in the life we led.
So I left her in that little cottage far behind
Hopped myself a train leaving Tennessee
To find what could replace what I'd lost
And see all the sights my eyes could see
I thought about John Jacoby's question,
Only a moment, as I scratched my jaw.
With my heart and mind back up in Memphis
I answered with one word- "Arkansas".
Jim Crow Danced by Ronald S Porter ©2022
Niggahs put a couch on the sidewalk
in front of Curley's tavern
in 1963, and in 1964
the Civil Rights act was passed
And when I consider if
these two things are connected...
I wonder if I should use Tide with bleach
and is it okay to serve Thunderbird wine,
to white folks, at my New Years party.
Would they take the gesture as ironic
insulting or sarcastic.
Or give me kudos for being authentic.
Come to me my Alabaster brothers
and, lay yo burdens down.
We don't tap dance anymore
You no longer have to act like clowns
...Ah salamm alekkum, muthafuckas!
Sometimes, I just like to pick up a pen and lose my mind on the paper.
My Mini Midnight Mind Dump by Ronald S Porter ©2022
Oh Lordy Lord, please take me far away
to someplace that's temperate and dry
where dingoes dance and no mosquitoes fly,
and the bats don't fill up the nighttime sky.
Where all the fields are lush, fresh and green,
and gang-banging gophers are never seen:
A place where little girls still wear crinoline.
I have no idea what crinoline is
But, lead me to the land of '58 Fords
Where the cheese whizz and seltzer fizz!
Let me run barefoot through the trees,
Where Squirrels wears blue jeans and BVDs;
Where pigeons as big as bovines soar
And, towering waterfalls of Kool-Aid roar.
The land where my grandfather's bones are buried!
Let me walk through the alleys paved with silver
Never fearful, fatigued, harassed or hurried.
Climate change fears have many people worried.
Me, I'll just sit and watch flowing rivers.
But, I don't swim because the water is cold
And cold water gives me goose-bumps and shivers
Lordy Lord, set me down somewhere in days of old.
Windows Wallpaper Settings by Ronald S Porter ©2022
Maybe I could get you out of my mind.
It would only take a very short while,
If I quit using your pic for wallpaper.
But baby, you have such a beautiful smile!
There are no bad memories to arouse
When I gaze at the screen as it fades to black
Anytime and every time I see that smile,
The only thing I can do is just smile back!
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